
Winnex is Incredibly and fully responsive.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elementum, nulla vel pellentesque consequat, ante nulla hendrerit arcu, ac tincidunt mauris lacus sed leo. vamus suscipit molestie vestibulum.
Счетоводно обслужване, съобразено с установените в организацията Ви административни и финансови процеси.
Изграждане на ефективни системи за вътрешен контрол, съобразени с нуждите на управление на Вашата дейност.
Управление на административните процеси, свързани с обработката на възнагражденията на Вашите служители и сътрудници.
Гъвкави решения за оптимизиране на структурата на Вашата организация.

Accounting and Taxes. Financial statements.

Notwithstanding the size and type of your organization, ACAVVA can offer accounting services tailored to the administrative and financial processes established in your organization.

Depending on your organizational structure, ACAVVA will help you managing the financial and accounting processes in your company, both as fully externally provided services and in cooperation with your accounting department.

ACAVVA can offer you:

Comprehensive accounting services and preparation of financial statements in compliance with the applicable National and International Accounting Standards, and preparation of reports for management purposes, Or:
Flexible structure, in cooperation with your internal financial accounting or administrative department in relation to:
  • Preparation / verification / filing of VAT registers and returns;
  • Advice and management in relation to specific cases of application of the Value-Added Tax Act (VATA);
  • Calculation of corporate, personal income tax, one-off taxes, local and other direct and indirect taxes;
  • Applying double taxation treaties;
  • Calculation and reporting of tax assets and liabilities;
  • Accounting of corporate taxes, VAT, deferred tax assets and liabilities;
  • Preparation of tax returns;
  • Communication with the tax administration;
  • Representation before tax authorities, including during tax audits and cross checks.

ACAVVA offers accounting services to Bulgarian and international companies involved in many industries such as information technology, trade, production, real estate, professional services.

Internal control. Management accounting.

Depending on your organizational structure, ACAVVA can provide you help and cooperation in building effective internal control systems tailored to the management requirements of your business.

In order to properly manage your business, we will assist you in structuring and producing business friendly analyses and reports.

Payroll and Remuneration Administration

Notwithstanding the nature of your activity, ACAVVA can help you manage the administrative processes related to the processing of your employees’ and assistants’ remunerations.

ACAVVA can offer you:
  • Managing all activities related to the processing of salaries: from the initial time sheets for attendance and work performed to the final payment of salaries.
  • Preparation of all required administrative documents in compliance with the Bulgarian legislation, related to the commencement, amendment and termination of employment relations.
  • Advice on employment law and administrative issues, assistance and representation in relations with the tax administration, public services and agencies.
  • Various analyses of labor and wage costs.
  • Assistance in concluding contracts of employment and administering the remuneration of foreign citizens hired in Bulgaria.
  • Calculation of income taxes of foreign individuals with income sourcing from Bulgaria and taxation of remuneration of Bulgarian citizens hired outside Bulgaria. Applying double taxation treaties.
  • Assistance with the issuance of A1 certificates and in the communication with Bulgarian and other European regulatory bodies regarding the compliance with the European requirements on the working conditions and determination of the remuneration of staff posted in other EU member states.
  • Web based application for access to salary slips, information on used / unused annual leave and other inquiries.

Temporary Employment

ACAVVA is a licensed temporary employment enterprise.

We can offer flexible solutions to optimize your organization’s structure, effective human resource management, and complete outsourcing of administrative processes.